El Baile del Colibrí (The Dance of the Hummingbird)
El Baile del ColibrÍ (The Dance of the Hummingbird) is an 8 ft by 10 ft acrylic painting on a wooden panel created for Bow Market to symbolize the theme, “Small is Beautiful.” As one of Bow Market’s main three values, this theme emphasizes the power of small businesses and the strong effect they have on a community. I chose to symbolize this theme with the tiny but mighty hummingbird. Despite its size, the hummingbird plays an important role in the food web by pollinating flowering plants, creating something beautiful. I represent this “dance” through the fluid movement of the brushstrokes in the colors and shapes within the flowers. My color choice is intended to dramatize the powerful nature of the bird and to reflect the colorful atmosphere at Bow Market, where all kinds of people gather to enjoy the multitude of events, shops, and eateries the space offers. I am grateful to have a part in such an exciting community.